Über Uns Alexandra Schneller Gründerin Business Consultant Yogalehrerin


I am Alexandra!

Founder of OH SELF, Female Business Coach, Kundalini Yoga teacher, detective for your potential and student of life.


I am known for my clarity, empathy and reliability and happy to see you manifest your visions with courage and an open heart.


You want to know what my greatest passion is?

Supporting you get more clarity about you, your vision and talents, believe in yourself and truly come alive.



With OH SELF I enable you to find and book the right workshops from all facets of live. I love to connect you with the right workshop hosts so that you can seize the opportunity to discover your true potential and get to know like-minded people. Take your chance and become who you really are.


From the outside everything looked perfect and light, but only a few years ago I was completely exhausted by the emptiness and futility in my life. I thought I’d finally made it to have a dream job and the hard work is paying off. I could afford (almost) everything my heart desires, but in truth I was mentally bankrupt..


In 2017, I started investing in myself to find out who Alexandra is without her job title. I had no idea at the time that this would change my whole life and that I would even start my own business and was not my intention at all.

Today you find me more alive, healthier and fulfilled than ever. I love to create what I want to see more in the world:

Self-determination, depth and authenticity in relationships.


1. this is the person I really want to meet:

Marie Forleo

2. what I learned from my parents

You are never too small,

to achieve great things

3rd Astro Profile:

Star sign






4. I am afraid of

a. public speaking

b. Height

c. Spiders

d. Flying

5. where I grew up, they say

a. Ei gude, wie

b. Da kiekste wa

c. Nu

d. Griaß God

6. the top 3 sayings to my surname

7. what impresses me about others

a. If you have an answer for everything

b. If they do not make mistakes

c. When they go off for their dream

d. If they are always happy

8. life motto

Success is an inside job

9. i am known as

a. Potential Discoverer

b. Active Manifestor

c. Reactive converter

d. Sensitive probe

10. to relax and connect with me, I do the following

Kundalini Yoga, Power Nap

Get some sun,

DIY and cooking

11. one day I would like

Writing a book and

help others,

their potential to

discover and use them to

To bring success

Über Uns Alexandra Schneller Gründerin Business Consultant Yogalehrerin

What happened so far!




The best project you will ever invest in is yourself.


Management of several teams with up to 14 employees


Entry into working life

Beginning Of BacheLor Studies

Work hard.

Über Uns Alexandra Schneller Gründerin Business Consultant Yogalehrerin


Stay abroad



bachelor of arts in business administration (dhbw mannheim)

first professional defeat, reorientation

Secret self-discovery

Über Uns Alexandra Schneller Gründerin Business Consultant Yogalehrerin

Happy on the outside, ashamed inside


Move to Leipzig for Master studies

Stay abroad London, Uk

Über Uns Alexandra Schneller Gründerin Business Consultant Yogalehrerin


stay abroad lima, peru

Über Uns Alexandra Schneller Gründerin Business Consultant Yogalehrerin

Buenos dias !

Über Uns Alexandra Schneller Gründerin Business Consultant Yogalehrerin

The first investment in me


Master of Science in Management

(HHL Leipzig)

The first big investment in myself: 25.000€ student loan

Move to Düsseldorf


business consulting – collecting miles above the clouds

move to berlin


Über Uns Alexandra Schneller Gründerin Business Consultant Yogalehrerin


Intensive inner work

Investment in me:

Kundalini Yoga Training

(KRI, Level I)

Full repayment

Study Credit

Über Uns Alexandra Schneller Gründerin Business Consultant Yogalehrerin


Oh shit

life crisis, burn-out


intensive self-discovery and investment in myself

“reception” by oh self

more than 10 kundalini yoga classes with more than 50 students

ashram stay portugal


Trust comes of trust


start into independence

certified systemic – integrative coach (coaching spirale, berlin)

10 days vipassana in brazil

over 30 kundalini yoga classes with more than 500 students

Über Uns Alexandra Schneller Gründerin Business Consultant Yogalehrerin

busy creating
my dreams


launch oh self

over 50 kundalini yoga classes with more than 700 students

My goal is

to build a sustainable company that creates real added value for all participants along the entire value chain I support you to grow inwardly and create a life that fills you.


Always receive the latest workshops and offers by email: